Red Fruits Pie
Some airy and creamy with a fruity crust is the dessert you need this summer. Chef Johanna le Pape is a World Pastry Champion from France. Her recipes are drawn out of inspiration for a healthy well-being. Red fruits pie recipe is one of her favorites and must try for every baker. Try our recipe and share your creation with us @masterbakerstudio and do not forget to use #studiocircle.
Baking Instructions
1 Shortcrust Dough Preparation: Mix the incorporation butter with the icing sugar. Add the almond powder, the salt, the eggs and the vanilla.
2 Add the rice and the chestnut flour & stir until it becomes homogeneous and Bake at 170°C for 5 minutes
3 Almond Cream Preparation: Soften the butter, and mix with the sugar.
4 Add the almond powder and the eggs and mix well. Add the verbena powder into the almond cream and mix again.
5 Pipe it into the shortcrust dough and Bake for 10 minutes.
6 Red Fruits Confit Preparation: Blend the red fruits together.
7 Pour into a pot. Mix the sugar & the pectine. Add to the red fruits and heat. Bring to boil & refrigerate.
8 Rose Chantilly: Whip all the ingredients together until you obtain a Chantilly.
9 How to assemble: Cool down the shortcrust cooked with almond cream.
10 Pipe the red fruit confit on top.
11 Pipe the Chantilly with a Saint honoré tip.
Shortcrust Cake
1 50g Incorporation Butter
2 25g Brown Sugar
3 15g Almond Powder
4 1g Salt Flower
5 25g Eggs
6 1g Vanilla Bean
7 60g Rice Flour
8 30g Chestnut Flour
For Almond Cream
1 50g Incorporation Butter
2 30g Sugar
3 2.5g Pectin NH
4 50g Almond Powder
5 50g Eggs
6 4g Verbena
Red Fruiy Confit (Filling)
1 100g Strawberry
2 100g Raspberry
3 100g Blueberry
4 5g Sugar
5 3g Pectin
For Rose Chantilly
1 300g Whipping Cream 35%
2 Rose Flower Extract as required
3 15g Sugar